
The importance of personal branding, how to use social media for personal branding and good examples of using social media for personal branding

  ‘Your personal brand is how you promote yourself. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see you. It is the telling of your story, and how it reflects your conduct, behavior, spoken and unspoken words, and attitudes.  You use your personal branding to differentiate yourself from other people. Done well, you can tie your personal branding in with your business in ways no corporate branding can possibly succeed.  Professionally, your personal brand is the image that people see of you. It can be a combination of how they look at you in real life, how the media portrays you, and the impression that people gain from the information about you available online.’ (Warner Geyser, 2021) Photo by Olya Kobruseva . Report about the importance of personal branding, how to use social media for personal branding and good examples of using social media for personal branding With the growth of social media, personal branding is extremely importan

Inbound Marketing - Nike & PUMA

Inbound Marketing - Nike & PUMA  Source:  What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is creating a strategy to create valuable content that aligns with the needs of the company’s target audiences and builds a long-term customer relationship. There are several types of inbound marketing content, these can be blog posts, e-books, videos, webinars, news articles, social media, etc. Nike - Approach to inbound marketing: Nike has a great inbound marketing strategy, applying several types of inbound marketing, such as ad campaigns, social media interaction/presence and influencer marketing. It is promoted by hundreds of professional athletes, rappers, entrepreneurs, singers, celebrities, and digital influencers. One of the most famous athletes promoting Nike is Serena Williams, the famous American tennis player.  Source: Nike is a known brand for promoting its voice on social movements such as Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate. Nike is very pre

Technology and its impact on consumer's lives

 Technology and its impact on consumer's lives Meyer, M. (2018) As the world expands, technology is more present in our 'everyday' life. The 2nd assignment of my Postgraduate Diploma with the British Academy of Digital Marketing proposed I created a presentation and a video about technology and its impact on the consumer's life. Click here to view the video!  I have read several articles and watched a few videos to try and understand how much impact technology has in our life, and I can now affirm that since COVID-19 has started, we have used the digital world more and more. Either to do our grocery shopping or to simply be entertained.  You can find a presentation about the impact of technology on consumer's lives on my SlideShare account. Throughout the presentation, you will find several data charts from known sources about the use of internet, impact of COVID-19, digital devices, video consumption, how customers search for information and recommendations, etc.

Marketing Mix of Netflix

 British Academy of Digital Marketing Assignment 1 - Task 3 7 P's Marketing Mix of Netflix Fig 1. Netflix is an online streaming platform. (Lokshyn, D. 2019) Fig 2. Users are given 3 plans to choose from. This is the price strategy of Netflix (Larsen, R. 2021) Fig 3. Netflix streaming service is available on several devices with an Internet connection, including smart TVs, Smartphones, tablets, and laptops (Hawthorne, M. 2020) Fig 4. Netflix uses a billboard to promote its brand with a motivational quote on how it all started (Diaz, A. 2021) Fig 5. Netflix has a diversity of cultures and genders within its employees. (Apter, S. 2019) Fig 6. Netflix is free for 30 days for new members. If new members enjoy the service and would like to continue, they need to do nothing as their membership will automatically continue. However, membership can be cancelled online anytime” (David, Joe 2021). This image shows how easy it is to sign up. (Ronald 2020) Fig 7. Netflix is a streaming platform